Complete feeds; cubes, mueslis and mixtures
HAVENS Horsefeed produces a complete range of feed for all branches of equestrian activity; recreation, breeding or (top-level) sport (e.g. jumping, dressage, racing, trotting, western or endurance).Each horse is different and gets trained and held in a different way. As a result they also have different needs regarding energy and other nutritional values. Our product range covers all needs; we have the right feed for every horse or pony. Whether it is in low, medium or high training, in breeding or with a specific demand (e.g. sensitive to laminitis, colic, sweet itch).
We also offer feeds without oats, without molasses or with extra spelt wheat.
The assortment of HAVENS consists of several high-quality cubes, mueslis and mixes.
See the overview below: